Staff Certifications & Trainings:

Speech Therapy
Birth to Three Intervention (Early Intervention)
Helps at risk infants (0-3 years) and preschoolers with pre-speech and pre-language acquisition, interactive communication skills and feeding slkills.
Oral Motor Therapy
Develops oral motor differentiation, strength, range of motion and coordination necessary for functional swallowing and speech production. Mi Sueno, therapists are trained in PROMPT, the Beckman Oral Motor Program, and the Sara Rosenfeld-Johnson Oral Motor Program.
Hanen Parent Training Programs
Hanen Parent Training “It Takes Two to Talk” is offered in a group environment to train families on how to communicate effectively with a speech-language delayed child. Norma Lopez, M.S., CCC-SLP is Hanen certified. Please read about the program at www.hanen.org and contact Mi Sueno Speech Therapy if you are interested in participating in a group or have related questions.
Articulation and Phonologic Process Intervention
Utilizes techniques such as oral motor intervention and multi-sensory feedback with children whose speech is difficult to understand. Trains children and adults how to learn to correctly produce sounds correctly, differentiate sounds and establish correct placement to communicate clearly.
Apraxia Therapy
Combines intensive oral motor therapy, cued speech, articulation drills, and PROMPT techniques to improve motor speech planning and create effective fluent communication.
Fluency Treatment
Trains people to speak and read more fluently by incorporating fluency enhancing techniques such as: relaxed breathing, slow, stretched speech, easy voice, light contact, extra intonation, smooth movement and natural speech.
Neurological and Cognitive Therapy
Assists individuals with: Dysarthria, Aphasia, Dysphonia, Tramatic Brain Injury and other neurological difficulties to improve motor speech movements, language, voice and cognition.
Feeding Disorders and Swallowing Intervention
Medically known as dysphagia. It provides diagnostic information regarding swallowing safety and efficiency, informs patient and family regarding consistencies and foods safe to swallow, implements intensive oral motor therapy and dysphagia/swallowing techniques necessary to safely manage current oral intake and ultimately increase oral intake to include all consistencies.
Tongue Thrust Intervention
Trains clients to change swallow and tongue positioning patterns to improve dental malocclusion and associated speech problems.
Pragmatic Language Therapy
Facilitates functional communication skills for children with difficulties in socializing with peers by increasing: turn taking, topic maintenance, topic introduction, and eye contact.